D.UP Eyelash Secret Line Air Series 932 Pure日本DUP 空氣感迷人假眼睫毛 932
D.UP Eyelash Secret Line Air Series
- Ultra-light, burden-free eyelashes with fine hair thickness of only 0.05mm
- Natural and slender false eyelashes enhance the density in the center of the eyes and highlight the round eyes
- 100 black false eyelashes, the eyelashes are plump and natural, creating a pure and natural effect
“Seductive Eyes”. D-UP Eyelash Secret Line “AIR” with Brown hari mixed (10% brown hair + 90% black hair)! ! Incredibly Light and Amazingly Soft Eyelashes. Collaborated with Japanese fashion model Aiku Maikawa. Feathery light eyelashes you can hardly feel them on your eyes just like “AIR”. “Seductive Eyes Style Air mixed with brown lashes”, real-like lashes, reusable, light-weighted.
Created by Japanese supermodel Aiku Maikawa! These D-UP falsies as light as air!
This line of false eyelashes feel light and fluffy.
They are so delicate and light that they are perfect for those who prefer natural makeup
How to Use
- First use an eyelash curler to take the eyelashes out of the box
- Remove excess glue from the eyelash stems (Point: It is recommended to stick it 5mm from the inner corner of the eye)
- Apply eyelash glue to the roots of eyelashes
- Let the glue dry for about 30 seconds until it becomes sticky and semi-dry.
- Align the center of the eyelashes with the center of the eyeliner and glue it on
- Press slightly with your finger to adjust the angle
*Made in Japan
日本DUP 空氣感迷人假眼睫毛
- 超轻量、无负担的眼睫毛,纤细毛粗度只有0.05mm
- 自然纤细的假睫毛,加强眼中央浓密感,突出圆大眼睛
- 100 黑色假眼睫毛,睫毛丰盈自然,营造清纯自然效果
D-UP 眼睫毛系列,满足每一位女仕们所需,有自然,清新,迷人,时尚,潮流等等的不同风格款式设计及颜色,可配合不同场合或发色,用埋D-UP皇牌超强力假眼睫毛胶水,防水防油,超强黏力任拉任扯都唔甩,轻松打造完美眼妆。 D UP Secret Line AIR系列,其睫毛只有0.05mm 粗,比起一般假眼睫毛,足足幼1 倍,幼细睫毛令人看上去更自然,而且更轻身,就算较为成熟的眼皮肌肤,亦都非常适合!
- 先利用睫毛夹将睫毛从包装盒中取出来
- 将睫毛梗上多余的胶水去除干净 (Point : 建议贴在距离内眼角5mm的位置)
- 睫毛根部涂上睫毛胶水
- 让胶水干燥约 30 秒当变成具黏力的半干状态就OK了。
- 睫毛中央对准眼线的正中央位置 黏上去
- 微用手指按压一下调整角度