THE PUBLIC ORGANIC Super Bouncy Essential Oil Body Soap 日本THE PUBLIC ORGANIC 保湿有机柑橘花香香精油沐浴露 480ml
THE PUBLIC ORGANIC Super Bouncy Essential Oil Body Soap
Taking care to dry and damaged hair. Reset your mind clearly with orange and geranium scent.
Organic formula with more than 98% natural raw materials and 100% essential oils.
Can moisturising hair with cupuaçu seed and borage seed Oil.Amino acid-based with botanical ingredient,
it can gently wrap dry, stressed hair, While cleansing the hair, it provides sufficient moisture to the hair.
Overturns the common feeling on non-silicon hair products
Italian mandarin orange essential oil-with fruity sweetness, bringing a gentle warm feeling.
Egyptian geranium essential oil-graceful sweetness, gorgeous floral fragrance