The History of Whoo Luxury Golden Cushion Glow Special Set (No.21 Ivory) 后 拱辰享美黄金气垫粉底液套装 (21号象牙白)
The History of Whoo Luxury Golden Cushion Glow Special Set
Enriched with GongJinBiDan (based on an esoteric court formula of ancient Korea) and almond oil, it offers continuous nourishment and hydration for the skin. Our unique Multi Glow Complex blends highly light-reflective particles and moisturising ingredients to enhance your skin’s heathy-looking, natural glow. Your complexion stays ‘insta-ready’ throughout the day!
Upgraded duel-concealing formula perfectly disguises pores, wrinkles, dark spots and other facial imperfections with a gentle sweep. Your complexion remains smooth and radiant without a moment of dullness. Spf50+
Set Include:
1 X Luxury Golden Cushion 15g
2 X Luxury Golden Cushion (Refill) 15g
后 拱辰享美黄金气垫粉底液套装
秉承拱辰享系列蕴含的宫廷美颜秘方– 拱辰秘丹及杏仁油护肤成份,为肌肤提供源源不绝的养分,维持肌肤水润度。当中更具独特的多效亮泽复合物(Multi Glow Complex),混合高光泽成分及保湿因子,为肌肤塑出水润透亮的自然光泽,每一吋肌肤散发年轻光彩,轻松打造「越拍越水润、越拍越光亮」的完美妆效。