Paul & Joe Serum Bleu 15ml 蓝采柔丝精华素
Silky & Smooth! Smooths, and exfoliates skin. SERUM BLEU quickly soaks into your skin, leaving it silky smooth with a dewy sensation. Spreads effortlessly, leaving the skin silky and smooth. With a little help from this serum, pores and unevenness will be undetectable. Colorful blessings from the Mediterranean Sea squeezed into an adorable bottle.
丝般光洁和幼滑!发挥柔滑及去角质功效。 蓝柔丝滑精华素迅速渗透肌肤,令肌肤丝般光滑,感觉水嫩,容易涂开。 全新的蓝色的精华素,发挥柔滑作用,令肌肤质地完美无瑕,肤色清新焕发,为肌肤提供修饰作用,令毛孔和不均匀肤质几乎完全隐形。 可爱的瓶子,装着来自地中海的彩色美丽祝福。