HONEYQUE Night Repair Hair Milk Moist 日本HONEYQUE 蜂蜜蛋白晚间修护润发乳液 150ml
Aqua blossom honey scent.
How to Use
Take an appropriate amount and apply it to the damaged areas and ends of the hair. Apply it all over.
A 2-way type that can be used on both wet and dry hair.
* Made in Japan
日本HONEYQUE 蜂蜜蛋白晚间修护润发乳液
- 有机麦卢卡蜂蜜,瞬间渗透进发丝,深层滋养秀发,超强保湿锁水功能,解决头发干枯暗哑问题。
- 三重蛋白修补发芯空洞,重塑发质结构,强韧发丝,预防发丝折断。
- 超高渗透氨基酸成分,能直达发芯,促进发芯吸收营养,补充蛋白质,让秀发健康丰盈。