Dr.ARRIVO The Scalp II Set 日本宙斯二代生发梳仪器+头皮按摩精华
Doctor Scalp was born in 2012 with the idea that it will help people who are suffering from thinning hair and volume.
Consists of:
- Electronic Brush with instruction manual
- Excellence Vegf Plus + Hair Essence 80ml
- Stand
For Hair Care:
- 生发育发:加速精华液的渗透,促进毛发生长速度
- 淋巴护理:舒缓按摩的同时帮助排泄挤压淋巴
- 头皮深处区域护理:按摩舒缓的同时针对头皮部位的结块进行疏通紧致
- 洗净头发,用吹风机吹至半干或八成干
- 在头部发量稀少处,均匀涂抹生发按摩精华
- 开启仪器至于头皮处,轻缓按摩约20分钟
For Facial Care:
After shampooing and towel-drying, apply Excellence VEGF Plus (exclusive essence) to the scalp with a total of 20 pushes as a guide. Apply purified water to your skin from under your chin to below your ears along the face line, and from below your ears to your back shoulders.